Accessibility — National Immigrant Inclusion Conference


NIIC is committed to making participation accessible for all who wish to join us. We thank our partners at Access Living and the New York State Office of New Americans for their guidance as we continue working to expand accessibility at NIIC. Information about accessibility and interpretation at NIIC 2022 is below. For additional assistance, please contact:

Prior to NIIC:
Onsite at NIIC: Please visit the Accessibility & Interpretation Desks that are at our NIIC Registration & Welcome Area. Our NIIC team will be happy to assist.


The NIIC venue – Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center – is accessible and ADA compliant. For additional information, please see this Guide and Fact Sheet.
For general information about accessibility in the Washington DC area, please see here.

Accessible seating is available in all the NIIC spaces and reserved in the front of each meeting room.

Scooter rental is available onsite at the Gaylord. For additional information, please call 1-888-441-7575 or visit the Gaylord’s front desk / reception.

NIIC Way-finders for the visually impaired are available. To connect with one, please visit the Accessibility & Interpretation Desks that are at our NIIC Registration & Welcome Area.

NIIC’s spaces include a Quiet Room and a Nursing Parents Room. For assistance locating them, please visit our Registration & Welcome Area.

ASL interpretation is provided for the following NIIC sessions:

Sunday Dec 11
Mainstage 1 & Welcome: Reimagining Together
Mainstage 2: Restoring Hope in Our Democracy–Lessons from the 2022 Midterms

Monday Dec 12
Mainstage 3: Challenging the Roots of Anti-Blackness Mainstage 4: Narrative, Nativism & Breaking Through Mainstage 5: LGBTQIA+ Migrants at the Center

Tuesday Dec 13
Mainstage 6: Shifting Ground–Root Causes of & Responses to Migration Mainstage 7: Closing & Hope in Times of Challenge–Our Shared Future

Listening devices are also available in all the NIIC meeting rooms. To obtain a listening device, please visit the Accessibility & Interpretation Desks at our Registration & Welcome Area.


NIIC is conducted in English. Interpretation to Spanish is provided for the following NIIC sessions:

Sunday Dec 11
Mainstage 1 & Welcome: Reimagining Together
Track Block 1: Session to be announced
Mainstage 2: Restoring Hope in Our Democracy–Lessons from the 2022 Midterms

Monday Dec 12
Mainstage 3: Challenging the Roots of Anti-Blackness Track Block 2: Session to be announced
Mainstage 4: Narrative, Nativism & Breaking Through Track Block 3: Session to be announced
Mainstage 5: LGBTQIA+ Migrants at the Center

Tuesday Dec 13
Mainstage 6: Shifting Ground–Root Causes of & Responses to Migration Track Block 4: Session to be announced
Track Block 5: Session to be announced
Mainstage 7: Closing & Hope in Times of Challenge–Our Shared Future

Headsets are available at the Accessibility & Interpretation Desks that are at our NIIC Registration & Welcome Area each day and must be returned at the close of the day.