
Black Virtual NIIC

Dear family,


We are thrilled to announce that for the first time, the National Immigration Integration Conference (NIIC), will host a Virtual NIIC 2020! We are pleased to invite you and hundreds of other Black Diaspora immigrant rights and racial justice leaders to join NIIC’s national partner Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) alongside other Black immigrant organizations for four days of engaging conversations and strategic planning at this critical time in history. We will be taking up space as Black Diaspora organizers at this year’s NIIC, including our own Black Virtual NIIC, and we hope you will join us!


  • Virtual NIIC Conference begins on Tuesday, December 8th, 2020

  • Black Virtual NIIC is on December 10 - 11, 2020

Conference Goals:

  •  A time for us to talk, laugh,and reconnect in community;

  •  A time to learn, plan, strategize, and collaborate;  and 

  •  A time to develop a shared agenda for Black immigrants.

Our  Ask:

Lastly, we want to be in community with you and to learn from our collective expertise, experiences, resistance, and resilience. Therefore, BAJI has made scholarships available to Black immigrant organizers to attend this year’s virtual NIIC. If you need a scholarship to attend, please contact us at

We look forward to seeing you!

Nana Gyamfi
Executive Director
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)