NIIC 2016 Track Blocks - Preliminary Session Details
Information as of 11/30/2016. Subject to change.
BLOCK 1 - Sunday, Dec 11 4:00PM - 5:15PM
- Business and Financial Empowerment: Comprehensive Financial Empowerment: Models for Success in Immigrant Communities
- Citizenship: Strategies for Naturalizing the Most Vulnerable
- Criminalization, Detention, and Enforcement: Immigration Enforcement (and Criminalization) in a Trump Era
- Economic Justice: State and Local Campaigns to Expand Workers’ Rights
- Education: Schools as Centers of Immigrant Integration and Success
- Federal Reforms: The Federal Immigration Landscape: Opportunities and Threats
- Special Session: The Organized Anti-Immigrant Movement: Who They Are, What They Want, and How We Can Push Back in Trump's America
Block 2 - Monday, dec 12 10:45am - 12:00pm
- Health: Addressing the Emotional Health Needs and Trauma Experiences of Immigrants and Refugees
- Receiving Comms: Applying a Racial Justice Lens to Immigrant Integration Work
- Refugee Resettlement and Advocacy: Global Migration and Refugee Flows—Bridging the Global Context to Local Responses
- State and Local Integration Strategies: Budget and Appropriations Workshop
- Adult Education and Workforce: Multi-Partner Collaborations with Lessons for the Future
Block 3 - Monday, dec 12 2:15pm - 3:30pm
- Citizenship: Building Momentum in Your City: Working with Government and Existing Infrastructures
- Economic Justice: Relief and Protection for Workers: U Visas, Deferred Action, and Other Options for Victims of Labor Abuses and Workplace Rights Defenders
- Education: Taking Stock of ESSA’s Potential Impact on Immigrant and English-Learner Students
- Federal Immigration Policy: What to Expect from the Trump Administration on Immigrant Integration
- Health: The Possibility of Changes to the Health Care Landscape and Effects on Immigrant Communities
- Receiving Community Engagement Strategies: Engaging the Faith Community
block 4 - monday, dec 12 4:00pm - 5:15pm
- State and Local Integration Strategies: Rural and Suburban Strategies
- Adult Education and Workforce: The Evolving Case for Supporting the Integration of High Skilled Immigrants
- Business and Financial Empowerment: Engaging the Business Sector in Immigrant Integration and Policy Advocacy
- Citizenship: Shaping a New American Electorate through Naturalization
- Receiving Community Engagement Strategies: A Rising Tide of Hate: How Our Communities Can Come Together For Change
Strategy Block - monday, dec 12 2:15pm - 5:15pm
- Criminalization, Detention, and Enforcement: New Strategies to Fight Deportations in the Trump era
- Refugee Resettlement and Advocacy: Building and Leveraging Public Support for Refugee Resettlement in a Time of Backlash & Uncertainty
Block 5 - tuesday, dec 13 10:30am - 11:45pm
- Education: Meeting the Needs of Newcomer Immigrant Youth: A Collective Call to Action for Educators and Community Partners
- Federal Immigration Policy: Next Steps on Immigration Executive Actions
- Health: Resiliency in advocating for immigrant health in hostile environments
- Receiving Community Engagement Strategies: Strengthening Inclusive Communications in Challenging Times
- State and Local Integration Strategies: Census 2020: Building Grassroots, Local, State Collaboration in 2017 for a Complete Count of Immigrants
Block 6 - Tuesday, Dec 13 1:15pm - 2:30pm
- Criminalization, Detention, and Enforcement: The Local and State Line of Defense
- Adult Education and Workforce: Expanding Services for Immigrants and Refugees Across the Adult Education and Training Policy and Program Landscape
- Receiving Community Engagement Strategies: Strategy Session: Receiving Communities Engagement: What Comes Next