Arts and Culture Toolbox: A Workshop to Help Harness the Power of Arts and Culture

In this workshop, participants will gain tools and strategies for harnessing the power of arts and culture, which they can take back with them into their movements and organizations. Diane Espaldon will share tips for how to set goals for arts and culture projects and how to measure impact. Will, and Ivan will present Social Media 101; how to tell your own story and why it matters. Mik Moore will share insights on web videos for social change, and the use of humor in video. Speakers:

  • Favianna Rodriguez, CultureStrike -- Favianna Rodriguez is a transnational interdisciplinary artist and cultural organizer on a mission to create profound and lasting social change in the world. Her art and collaborative projects address migration, global politics, economic injustice, patriarchy, and interdependence. Favianna lectures globally on the power of art, cultural organizing and technology to inspire social change, and leads art workshops at schools around the country. Favianna is the Executive Director of CultureStrike, a national arts organization that engages artists, writers and performers in migrant rights, and in 2009, she, a national online organizing network dedicated to the political empowerment of Latino communities.
  • Diane Espaldon, Arts and Culture Consultant -- Diane Espaldon is a strategy consultant with over 20 years of experience in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors, particularly in arts, culture, and social change. Diane has designed and managed multi-year, multi-strategy funding initiatives to strengthen targeted nonprofit fields. She also provides strategic guidance, board/staff retreat facilitation, leadership coaching, and organizational and program assessments. Now based in Los Angeles, Diane was born in the Philippines and grew up in Guam. She has a B.A. in Government from Harvard University and an M.A. from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.
  • Ivan Ceja, co-creator of -- Ivan Ceja was born in Michoacan, Mexico and his parents brought him to California when he was nine months old. He is a D.A.C.A. beneficiary pursuing an engineering degree. Ivan's advocacy for immigrant rights began with organizing students to advocate for legislation that would benefit the immigrant community. Today, his efforts emphasize the sharing of information through social media, via Undocumedia, and creating content that is clear and concise.
  • Will Coley, AquiferMedia -- Will Coley is a social media strategist, independent radio producer, videographer and trainer with experience in a variety of social change campaigns including CultureStrike. He has been an advocate and organizer with immigrants and refugees in Charlotte, New York/Newark, and Los Angeles, as well as in Zimbabwe and Great Britain. Through Aquifer Media, Will now designs social media strategies and digital storytelling for funders, national nonprofit networks and local nonprofits. A native of North Carolina, Will lived in Los Angeles for several years but recently relocated to Queens, NY.
  • Mik Moore -- Mik Moore is recognized as one of the leading digital media campaign strategists in the United States, combining a deep understanding of public policy with years of experience as a writer, editor, and public speaker. He is known for developing and implementing innovative efforts to harness the power of online media to create social change. His award-winning web-videos include The Great Schlep with Sarah Silverman and Wake the Fuck Up! with Samuel L. Jackson. Mik is the founder and principal of Moore + Associates, a strategic communications firm based in New York City that specializes developing collaborations between comics and causes to create game-changing public voice campaigns.