
NIIC 2015 a Huge Success!

Thank you for helping make NIIC 2015 such a great success! NIIC Co-Hosts, the National Partnership for New Americans and the New York Immigration Coalition, along with our Executive Committee members, Make the Road NY and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, are grateful to you and everyone else for making the largest immigrant integration gathering in the country the greatest one ever. Crown-slider

In case you missed an event or want to share some highlights with friends and colleagues, we have documented NIIC 2015 in many ways. Here is a compilation of videos featuring plenaries, our keynote by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, special remarks by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, and U.S. Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, and the #NIIC Presidential Forum, featuring three candidates vying for the U.S Presidency, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Governor Martin O'Malley, and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. We recorded audio from even more presentations and remarks, so visit NIIC's SoundCloud page to choose from those options.

Catch NIIC 2015 participants like yourself in action in these photo albums of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3. Huge thanks to our photography team of Carolina Kroon, Stephen Yang, Anja Hitzenberger, and Danica Mrozinsky for helping capture the power of our community! AfricanDance-slider

Our collective research, advocacy, expertise, and political might generated over 100 media hits across the country, highlights posted here, including The New York Times, Associated Press, The Guardian, The Washington Post, NBC News, Huffington Post, Fox News Latino, and the Wall St. Journal. #NIIC was trending on Twitter in Brooklyn during the conference with over 2,000 Tweets per day sharing what we were learning and who we were meeting.

We'll be in touch later this year with updates for NIIC 2016 whic

Carolina Kroon for NIIC 2015

h we'll host with our friends at the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition!


Joshua Hoyt Executive Director, National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) Steven Choi Executive Director, New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) Javier Valdes Co-Executive Director, Make the Road New York (MRNY) Eva Millona Executive Director, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition

(Photo Credits: Carolina Kroon, Stephen Yang)

Senator Bernie Sanders to Address the National Immigrant Integration Conference in Brooklyn

The NIIC Executive Committee is excited to announce today that Bernie Sanders, Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President, will address the event on Tuesday, December 15 at 3:00pm. Sanders, a U.S. Senator from Vermont, will address over 1,000 participants from across the country by video conference, including policy makers, advocates, educators, business leaders, culture shapers, community stakeholders, and more. Bernie_Sanders Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Governor Martin O'Malley, and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio previously announced that they will address the conference as well. Candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties have been invited to address the conference.

The eighth annual conference - "New American Dreams: Advancing Opportunity, Equality & Justice" – runs from December 13-15, 2015, and is co-hosted by the National Partnership for New Americans and the New York Immigration Coalition, along with Executive Committee members Make the Road NY and Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. NIIC, the largest immigrant integration gathering in the country, will be held at the New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge and aims to connect a bold and dynamic immigrant integration movement with a broader group of stakeholders to drive inclusion and impact together.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to address NIIC 2015, the largest national immigrant integration conference in the country," said U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. "In America today, we need to enact immigration policies that will unite families, not tear them apart.  The United States is a great nation when we stand together, embrace our nation's diversity, and work towards an immigration system that is fair and humane. Now is a very important time to be having these conversations."

"We’re excited to welcome Senator Sanders to our national conference which is truly changing the way we shape policy around immigrant integration across the United States," Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the National Partnership for New Americans said. "We look forward to hearing his views on immigration issues at this pivotal and historic moment in our nation’s history."

"As the NIIC 2015 co-host, it is with pleasure that we welcome Senator Bernie Sanders to address the largest national immigrant integration conference in the country," said Steven Choi, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, this year's co-host for the conference. "In a time of great concern over intolerance and xenophobia, we are very excited to have three Presidential candidates addressing the 1,100 NIIC participants and give us their perspectives on the future of immigrant integration."

Eva Millona, NPNA Co-Chair and executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition said, "We are delighted to welcome Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders to address the largest and most dynamic immigrant integration conference in the nation. In a time of great concern over exclusion and vitriolic language, we look forward to hearing from the Senator how he will be part of the conversation to shape sound immigrant integration policy that works for everybody."

Javier H. Valdés, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road New York, said, "We are thrilled to welcome Senator Sanders to the NIIC, the nation's most important annual event for discussing the issues facing immigrants across the country. We are eager to hear Senator Sanders' views and platform on critical immigrant issues and how they tie into the broader conversation about economic and social justice that he has championed."

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to Address Over Thousand Attendees at NIIC in Brooklyn

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will give a keynote address at the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC), the largest immigrant integration gathering in the country, on Monday, December 14th at 9:30am in New York City. The Mayor’s keynote will speak towards why cities like New York will continue to invest in immigrants communities. Mayor Bill de Blasio photographed during a portrait sitting on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Credit: Rob Bennett for the Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

The eighth annual conference - "New American Dreams: Advancing Opportunity, Equality & Justice" – runs from December 13-15, 2015, and is co-hosted by the National Partnership for New Americans and the New York Immigration Coalition, along with Executive Committee members Make the Road NY and Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. NIIC will be held at the New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge and aims to connect a bold and dynamic immigrant integration movement with a broader group of stakeholders to drive inclusion and impact together.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said, "It is an honor to have the National Immigrant Integration Conference here in New York City and to be its keynote speaker. New York City is proud to be home to more than three million immigrants and to residents from every background and belief who speak about 200 languages. These cross-cultural exchanges enrich our daily lives, and are the source of our strength and our singularity. It is a privilege to welcome the NIIC and its attendees from across the country who are working to create the same welcoming environments in their communities. I applaud the NIIC Conference co-hosts, the New York Immigration Coalition and the National Partnership for New Americans, Executive Committee members, Make the Road New York and the Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, and all of their tireless community partners for promoting inclusivity and equality and, in so doing, upholding our most significant traditions as a city and a country.”

“As the NIIC 2015 co-host, we're delighted to have New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio address this year’s conference,” said Steven Choi, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition. "This is the first year that NIIC will be held in New York City, America's historical port of entry for immigrants and the cultural and financial capital of the nation. Together with our Executive Committee partners, we believe the NIIC in New York will help influence major policy, cultural, political, and business trends across the country, and we look forward to having our city’s leaders’ in the conversation about key integration issues facing America's immigrant communities."

Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the National Partnership for New Americans said, “New York City has always been a beacon to the entire world with its shining example of how to build a successful nation of immigrants. Mayor de Blasio’s administration is a continuation of this fine tradition, and we applaud the Mayor for his national leadership on immigration reform and immigrant integration. We are thrilled to host this year’s conference in New York and to feature the Mayor as a keynote speaker.

Eva Millona, NPNA Co-Chair and executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition said, "We welcome NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to address over a thousand attendees at this year's NIIC. We look forward to hearing from New York City's Mayor on how we can successfully shape immigrant integration policy that makes our country greater."

Javier Valdes, executive director of Make the Road New York said, "Under Mayor de Blasio's leadership, New York City has stood at the forefront of immigrant integration efforts by implementing policies such as municipal identification cards for all New Yorkers and universal immigration representation. There is no better place than the NIIC for the Mayor to highlight the progress that our City has made and engage in the important dialogue about how to advance immigrant integration in cities and states across the country."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Address National Immigrant Integration Conference

The NIIC Executive Committee is excited to announce that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President, will address the group on Monday, December 14 at 4:30pm in Brooklyn, NY. Candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties have bHRCeen invited to address the nearly one thousand participants from across the country, including policy makers, advocates, educators, business leaders, culture shapers, community stakeholders, and more. Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez will introduce the Secretary. The eighth annual conference - "New American Dreams: Advancing Opportunity, Equality & Justice" – runs from December 13-15, 2015, and is co-hosted by the National Partnership for New Americans and the New York Immigration Coalition, along with Executive Committee members Make the Road NY and Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. NIIC will be held at the New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge and aims to connect a bold and dynamic immigrant integration movement with a broader group of stakeholders to drive inclusion and impact together.

Conference organizers, who include leaders from the largest regional immigrant rights organizations in over 30 states, have invited 2016 presidential candidates to discuss and respond to the New American Dreams Platform. The Platform aims to broaden and deepen the current political discourse about immigration and, in the long run, ensure that all candidates be genuinely, robustly pro-immigrant. "We are very pleased to welcome Secretary Hillary Clinton to the largest and most dynamic NIIC yet to address our communities and be part of critical conversations on shaping a platform for New Americans that includes a robust plan for immigrant integration," Eva Millona, NPNA Co-Chair and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition.

"In this moment when other political figures are engaging the politics of fear, it is extremely significant that Secretary Clinton is joining us to defend American values and to strengthen our nation of immigrants," said Joshua Hoyt, Executive Director of the National Partnership for New Americans. "We thank Representative Luis Gutiérrez for personally encouraging Secretary Clinton to attend our flagship event." Gutierrez

The New American Dreams Platform will be launched at the conference which offers an opportunity for elected officials, policymakers, academics, community organizers, and national partners to engage in robust discussion and strategic planning. The Platform is comprised of six planks - citizenship, English language learning, education, the economy, health, and an inclusive society - and meet the needs of various New American constituencies, including naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, undocumented immigrants, children of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and people of various countries of origin, skill, and education levels.

"We are delighted to have Secretary Hillary Clinton join us at NIIC to address over a thousand attendees from across the country who are eager to find solutions to some of the key integration issues facing America's immigrant communiteis today," said Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition, the co-host for the 8th annual National Immigrant Integration Conference. "This year's NIIC in New York will help influence major policy decisions heading into 2016 and we look forward to discussing the future of immigrant integration with Secretary Clinton, Governor O'Malley, and all the Presidential candidates for our nation's highest office."

Javier Valdes, Executive Director of Make the Road New York said, "The NIIC is the nation’s premier event for addressing the critical issue of immigrant integration. We’re thrilled that Secretary Clinton will join us to hear from community members and share her platform on how to ensure that immigrants can realize their dreams."

Presidential Candidate Gov. Martin O'Malley to Address National Immigrant Integration Conference

We're excited to announce that Presidential candidate Governor O'Malley will join us at the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) to address our community and help us jumpstart a vision for immigrant integration that will help define the future of America.
We have invited all 2016 presidential candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties to address the largest immigrant integration gathering in the country and Gov. O'Malley is the first to accept our invitation. We're asking candidates to discuss and respond to the New American Dreams Platform which seeks to define from an immigrant perspective what it means to be a successful nation of immigrants. The platform will be launched at NIIC and aims to broaden and deepen the current political discourse about immigration and, over the long run, ensure that all candidates be genuinely, robustly pro-immigrant.
You agree? Then register now for NIIC 2015 – New American Dreams: Advancing Opportunity, Equality & Justice – which runs from December 13-15, 2015, in Brooklyn, New York. Check out the complete NIIC schedule here. And prepare for more exciting announcements in the coming days!
We believe the NIIC in New York will help influence major policy, cultural, political, and business trends across the country, and we look forward to all candidates for our nation's highest office following Gov. O'Malley's lead to find solutions to some of the key integration issues facing America's immigrant communities. Join us!

NIIC Will Address Why We Need To Welcome Refugees

In a week’s time, nearly a thousand people from across the country will gather for the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2015 (NIIC 2015). NIIC is taking place in a time of great turmoil: We’ve seen backlashes against immigrant communities from elected officials and presidential candidates. A rise in anti-refugee and Islamophobic rhetoric. And a pernicious culture of fear and intolerance descending upon communities across the nation.

Photo Credit: Thomas Hammond

Against this backdrop, NIIC will address these issues head on by offering plenary presentations, panels and workshops that highlight the best strategies being used across the country to welcome refugees, including:
Will you be at NIIC to make the call for tolerance loud and clear?

Among some of the many leaders who will be joining the NIIC conversation December 13th to the 15th, here are some key speakers who will discuss why we need to welcome refugees:

There’s still time to register by clicking HERE.
Check out the conference schedule HERE.
Share on social media why you will be coming to #NIIC and to join us in welcoming refugees. #refugeeswelcome

Nearly a Thousand Expected to Attend NIIC

With NIIC only a few days away, our excitement is mounting to welcome you and nearly a thousand other policy makers, advocates, educators, business leaders, culture shapers, community stakeholders, and more from across the country! The eighth annual National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) - New American Dreams: Advancing Opportunity, Equality & Justice – aims to connect a bold and dynamic immigrant integration movement with a broader group of stakeholders to drive inclusion and impact together.


If you haven't registered yet, there's still time, just click here!

From exciting new developments in adult education and access to health care, new approaches in integration in emerging immigrant communities, and efforts to empower New Americans to apply for citizenship, NIIC participants will discuss and tackle some of the key integration issues facing U.S immigrant communities today. Participants will together shape a platform for New Americans ahead of the 2016 Presidential elections.

Here's some other friends and colleagues who are sharing our excitement:

Expressing support for this year’s NIIC, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “New York City has long been a city of immigrants – and that’s integral to what makes our city so great. We are committed to ensuring that all immigrants can build the lives they and their families deserve. It is an honor to welcome the NIIC and its attendees, policy-makers, and advocates from across the country who are working to create the same welcoming environments in their communities.”

NPNA Executive Director Joshua Hoyt said, "New York is a shining example to the nation of how to thrive through immigrant integration. We are thrilled to bring the National Immigrant Integration Conference to New York, where the Statute of Liberty has welcomed generations of New Americans. During this period, when even presidential candidates believe that they can score cheap political points by attacking immigrants and their children, our nation has much to learn from New York. The National Immigrant Integration Conference builds on our proud tradition as the most successful experiment in world history in building a nation of immigrants."

Steven Choi, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition said, “We are so proud to be this year’s local co-host for the largest and most ambitious integration conference ever. With 11 tracks and dozens of panels on issues as broad as financial inclusion, healthcare, global migration, voter engagement, efforts in citizenship outreach, worker justice, and more, this year’s NIIC will highlight immigrant integration issues that we must prioritize and tackle in 2016 and beyond. It is also of great significance that this year’s conference takes place in what has historically been a key port of entry for immigrants and is the cultural and financial capital of the country. What happens in New York City influences major policy, cultural, political, and business trends across the country and we plan on using the wealth of expertise, discussion, and policy recommendations made at this year’s NIIC as a roadmap for our work moving forward.”

Javier H. Valdés, co-executive director of Make the Road New York said, “With the national political conversation about immigration turning ugly again, it’s more critical than ever that we convene this conference to discuss affirmative approaches to immigrant integration. And there’s no better place to hold these discussions than our beloved city of immigrants, where we have taken important strides forward, including the creation of municipal IDs for all New Yorkers, the nation’s first public defender program for immigrants facing deportation, and the removal of Immigration and Customs Enforcement from Rikers Island.”

Eva Millona, executive director of MIRA said, "As the co-chair of NPNA and the executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, I’ve been attending NIIC for 7 years. As a former co-host of NIIC, we at MIRA are proud to be part of a conference that is truly changing the way we shape policy around immigrant integration across the United States. We look forward to this year's conference in Brooklyn and helping to jumpstart a vision for immigrant integration that we will carry on into the New Year."

Commissioner Nisha Agarwal of New York City’s Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) said, “As a member of the NIIC’s steering committee, we envision the NIIC to be a forum in which to support new Americans’ dreams. I loved attending the NIIC as an immigration advocate, and I am honored to now welcome the NIIC to New York City as Commissioner of MOIA. The NIIC provides an invaluable opportunity for us to hear from participants across the country, and we look forward to sharing New York City’s work to ensure immigrant families can access all of NYC, including our work on the nation’s largest municipal ID program.”

NIIC 2015 Schedule is Here!

NIIC-Dynamic Cutting-edge strategies. Creative approaches. Thought leaders shaping the national conversation. Practitioners innovating on the ground everyday. Culture makers and business leaders, advocates and researchers working together. That – and more – is what you can expect at the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC 2015).

Through over 50 sessions at NIIC – in our 11 issue-area tracks, 5 main-stage plenaries and numerous affinity group caucuses – NIIC 2015 will create the space to ask hard questions, build relationships and craft lasting solutions together. We are excited to share this first glance at our schedule for the conference, which kicks off Sunday, December 13 at 1:30pm and runs through Tuesday, December 15 at 5pm. Here are just a few of the NIIC 2015 session highlights to look for: •    Immigrants and the Public Imagination •    Empowering Immigrant and Refugee Entrepreneurs through Financial Inclusion •    Global Integration Trends and the Path Forward •    Making the Law Work for Us: Winning Pro-Worker, Pro-Immigrant Policies and Building the Power to Make Them Real •    Intersections Across Our Citizenship Movement •    Educational & Workforce Success for DACA Youth: Making the Most of DACA’s Promise •    Decriminalize. Decarcerate. Liberate. •    New Voices in the Media: Non-English and Ethnic Media •    Shifting Cultures on Immigration, Identity and Race

But that’s not all. NIIC 2015 will also feature opportunities to learn about New York City’s diverse immigrant communities through NIIC <3 Immigrant NY Tours across the city, film screenings, a conference Expo and more.

The stakes to build a truly welcoming, just and comprehensive approach to immigrant integration couldn’t be higher at this pivotal moment. Be part of the conversation that will shape the policies, platforms and practices America needs.

Join us. Register for NIIC 2015 now.

We can’t wait to meet up with you in December,

Tara Raghuveer, Policy & Advocacy Director, NPNA Cynthia Greenberg, Conference Coordinator, NIIC 2015

P.S. For those registering 10 or more from a group, we are pleased to offer a special discount on registration costs. More info is here! Register your group now!

Charting the Path for Immigrant Advocacy, Together

"Serious moments call for serious discussion, and action," writes Javier H. Valdés, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road New York in the Gotham Gazette. "And so it is with immigration politics in our country today." Make the Road New York, which builds the power of Latino communities to achieve dignity and justice, is a key partner on the NIIC 2015 Executive Committee along with the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, joining co-hosts NPNA and the New York Immigration Coalition.

The movement for immigrant justice, he writes, has clearly won tremendous victories in the last few years, including President Obama's deferred action for DREAMers and for parents of US citizen children and others. Yet, we continue to confront intransigence in Congress and barriers to immigration relief. Valdés highlights NIIC 2015 an opportunity to come together to create a path forward:

This moment clearly calls for action—as immigrant groups around the country continue to mobilize against anti-immigrant forces and advocate for sensible federal, state, and local immigration policies—but it also warrants reflection.

And that's why, this year, New Yorkers should be extremely excited that we're hosting the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC, niic2015.org), the country's largest annual conference dedicated to discussions about how to enrich our democracy by welcoming and integrating immigrants into the fabric of our nation.

To be held at the Brooklyn Marriott from December 13-15, the NIIC will bring together immigrant leaders and advocates from across the country to discuss issues like the implementation of deferred action, how to ensure workplace justice and workforce development for immigrant workers, and where our immigrant rights struggles fit into the landscape of other social movements.

And there's simply no better place to have these discussions than New York. With roughly 3 million immigrants representing nearly 40 percent of the population, 45 percent of the workforce, and 49 percent of small business owners, immigrants are an essential part of our city's dynamic economy and culture.

To read his entire article, visit here. For a Spanish version, see Forjando juntos el camino para los inmigrantes in El Diario.

Then register for NIIC 2015 and book your hotel today!

NIIC's People Power – Join us in December!

Bold immigrant rights advocates. Innovative business leaders. Visionary community leaders. Dedicated service providers. Forward-thinking policy makers. Expert researchers, students and educators. Imaginative artists and culture shapers. All attend the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) — and they help to shape it. Each year, experts from across the country volunteer their time to build a NIIC program that explores the most relevant questions in immigrant integration. This year is no exception, and we are lucky that many of the foremost leaders in the field are working to create the most dynamic NIIC yet.

NIIC 2015 will feature 11 Tracks, each conceived and spearheaded by a team of these leaders.

Nisha Agarwal, Commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office of ImmigranNisha Agarwalt Affairs (MOIA), is a co-lead of NIIC 2015’s Citizenship Track. Her new American dream “is for families – including immigrant families – to be able to realize their full potential in this country, regardless of immigration status, language, or the opportunities available to them in their country of origin.”

Jeremy CarterJeremy Carter, Chief Development Officer at the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB), co-leads NIIC 2015’s Business and Financial Empowerment Track. Jeremy tells us that his new American dream “is that our nation becomes a place where my children can take pride in their rich Guatemalan heritage without fear of being labeled by others as anything less than American.”

Read about the rest of NIIC 2015’s fantastic Track Co-Leads here.

Registration is open, and our Early Bird rates are available through September 15.

We will be building our new American dreams in December. Register now and join us!



2014 National Immigrant Integration Conference Media Coverage

Over 50 reporters from local and national media joined us for the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2014 in Los Angeles in December 2014 to cover issues and interview national leaders and advocates around immigrant integration. Key topics included President Obama's historic executive immigration action and the Cities for Citizenship initiative, while key speakers included U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. Coverage of the conference included mainstream media - such as New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Associated Press - and ethnic media, including Spanish and Chinese languages. Brad Wong, Immigration Conference to Focus on 'Inclusive Democracy', Equal Voice, December 9, 2014

Tanvi Misra, On Immigration, Gaining the Support of Mayors Is as Much Practical as It Is Political, The Atlantic CityLab, December 9, 2014

Roxana Kopetman, Free events in L.A., O.C. promise help on Obama's immigration plan, Orange County Register, December 11, 2014

Kate Linthicum, Immigrants Get Advice on Eligibility for Delayed-Deportation Programs, Los Angeles Times, December 14, 2014

Julia Preston, Undocumented Immigrants Line Up For Door Opened by Obama, New York Times, December 14, 2014

Thousands Attend Immigration Forum on Obama's Reform Plan, CBS Los Angeles, December 14, 2014

Indocumentados asisten a jornada sobre alivio migratorio en EU, La Cronica, December 14, 2014

Isaias Alvarado, Realizan foro migratorio en Los Ángeles, La Opinion, December 14, 2014

Undocumented Immigrants to Receive Consulting Services, China News, December 14, 2014

Preguntas y respuestas sobre acción ejecutiva, Univision, December 14, 2014

Roxana Kopetman, Forum aims to provide answers, offers details on new immigration regulations, Orange County Register, December 14, 2014

Josie Huang, Seeking help on White House orders, immigrants come to workshop in L.A., KPCC 89.3, December 14, 2014

Jorge Luis Macías, Informados, La Opinion, December 15, 2014

Joey Garrison, Nashville joins coalition to promote citizenship for immigrants, The Tennessean, December 15, 2014

Jaime Garcia, Detalles sobre la campaña de inscripción a la acción ejecutiva migratoria, Univision, December 15, 2014

USCIS Dedicated to Promoting Citizenship and Providing Resources, The Beacon: Official Blog of USCIS, December 15, 2014

Cities Launch Effort to Increase Citizenship, Equal Voice News, December 16, 2014

Hollywood A-Listers to Open 2014 National Immigrant Integration Conference

For a look at the great Hollywood talent who will open NIIC 2014, take a look at this release we shared with local and national media: HOLLYWOOD A-LISTERS OPEN THE 2014 NATIONAL IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION CONFERENCE

Hollywood talent lend their support for the President’s executive action at the open plenary at the National Immigrant Integration Conference.  Topics include: on and off screen immigration stories, representations of immigrants and immigration in film and television, and shared perspectives on policy.  Plenary is followed by workshops featuring additional artists and Food Chains film screening.

Los Angeles, CA – The National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) welcomes Hollywood stars to support immigrants across the nation through the sharing of personal and professional stories of the intersection of immigration and the film and television industry.  Opening plenary is on Sunday, December 14, followed by film screening and producer talk back of the just theatrically released documentary Food Chains (from executive producers of Food Inc and Fast Food Nation) on Monday, December 15.

Events are to be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, but registration is necessary.

Learn more about the opening Hollywood featured plenary here

Learn more about the Food Chains film screening here

Panelists include 2014 Academy award nominee Barkhad Abdi (Captain Phillips), writer and executive producer of the monster hit Under the Same Moon Ligiah Villalobos, Netflix Orange is the New Black and the CW’s Jane the Virgin starlet Diane Guerrero, and Lifetime’s fastest growing scripted series Devious Maids star Ana Ortiz.  Opening plenary is to be moderated by NPR powerhouse Maria Hinojosa and Film screening panel by Ambulante mobile film screening director Christine Davila. For information on each of the speakers, please see attached, all are available for interviews.

Press credentials are required. Please contact Charlie McAteer at CMcAteer@weareoneamerica.org for credentialing at least one day before the start of the conference.  A press packet and a green room will be available for credential members of the press.

WHAT:  7th Annual National Immigrant Integration Conference

WHEN:  Sunday, December 14, 2014  2 p.m. & Monday, December 15, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.

WHERE: Los Angeles Convention Center, South Hall

WHO:  The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)

A complete Conference program can be accessed here.

NIIC 2014 Press Packets

In an effort to save trees and provide materials to our friends in the media ahead of the conference, we've compiled our NIIC 2014 Press Packet below. If you have any questions about NIIC programming, scheduling interviews, or conference logistics, please contact Jorge-Mario Cabrera, CHIRLA, jmcabrera@chirla.org, (562) 243-5559, or Charlie McAteer, cmcateer@weareoneamerica.org, (917) 696-1321. Charlie can arrange media credentials for you or your team.

NIIC 2014 Press Packet

Advisory: Administrative Relief Forum

Advisory: NIIC Offers First Opportunity for National Gathering Since Obama’s Immigration Order

Advisory: 11 Major U.S. Cities to Join Citizenship Initiative at National Event

Advisory: Hollywood A-Listers Open the 2014 National Immigrant Integration Conference

Artist Bios [PDF] for Plenary 1: Representations of Immigrants in Film and Media (December 14, 2014 2pm)

Advisory: More than a Dozen Workshops and Sessions to Highlight Need to Educate and Serve Millions on Administrative Relief Program

NIIC 2014 Schedule

Resource: National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA website)

Resource: Cities for Citizenship (C4C website)

Resource: Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)

Thank you for your interest in NIIC 2014!

Also join the conversation on Twitter @npnewamericans and #NIIC.


11 Major U.S. Cities to Join Citizenship Initiative at National Event

For a great overview of our action-packed Monday morning plenary at NIIC 2014, here’s what we shared with local and national media: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, USCIS Director Leon Rodriguez, and Felicia Escobar, immigration advisor to the President, will join 1,000 advocates and experts at immigrant integration conference this month in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA – On Monday, December 15, 2014, 11 major U.S. cities will join Cities for Citizenship, an initiative launched by Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago in partnership with Citi, the founding corporate partner, in September which aims to increase citizenship among eligible U.S. permanent residents to forge more inclusive and economically robust cities.

Leading officials from Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chattanooga, Denver, Milwaukee, Nashville, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. will announce their active participation in this growing initiative at a special event during the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC 2014). This action-packed plenary will feature a welcome from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a keynote address by Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Cities for Citizenship leaders, including Bob Annibale, Global Director of Citi Community Development and Microfinance. Tefere Gebre, Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO, another initiative partner, is speaking in a panel later that day focused on building partnerships in support of immigrant integration.

Cities for Citizenship participants will also be competing in Integration Idol, where high level officials from five cities – Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Philadelphia – will highlight the innovative ways they are working to attract immigrants, integrate them fully, and become globally competitive leaders.

A recent report, Citizenship: A Wise Investment for Cities, by the Center for Popular Democracy, National Partnership for New Americans and the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) at USC Dornsife, found profound economic benefits to naturalization.

At the launch event, Cities for Citizenship leaders will also announce the addition of several partner organizations with strong ties to immigrant communities across the country, including AFL-CIO, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), the National Federation of Credit Development Unions, SEIU 32BJ, and Welcoming America.

WHAT: Cities for Citizenship Plenary at the National Immigrant Integration Conference

WHEN: 8:00am-10:00am, Monday, December 15

WHERE: Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

WHO: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Angelica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA Manuel Pastor, Co-Director, University of Southern California's Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration Nisha Agarwal, New York City, Commissioner of the NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs Tonantzin Carmona, Chicago, Director of the Office of New Americans Linda Lopez, Los Angeles, Chief of the Office of Immigrant Affairs, LA Mayor's Office at City of Los Angeles Monica Fuentes, Atlanta, Chief Service Officer at City of Atlanta Jennifer Rodriguez, ‎Executive Director, Mayor's Office of Immigrant and Multicultural Affairs at City of Philadelphia Joshua Hoyt, Executive Director, NPNA Shena Elrington, Director of Immigrant Rights & Racial Justice Policy, Center for Popular Democracy Bob Annibale, Global Director, Citi Community Development and Microfinance Leon Rodriguez, Director, USCIS Gustavo Torres, Executive Director, CASA de Maryland

NIIC Offers First Opportunity for National Gathering Since Obama's Immigration Order

For a great overview of NIIC 2014, here's what we shared with local and national media: Los Angeles, CA – The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) and the Los Angeles Host Organization, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), welcome hundreds of delegates from throughout the United States to the 7th Annual National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC 2014) December 14-16, 2014 to be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The three-day Conference kicks off Sunday, December 14, with one of the largest educational forums in the country to date on Administrative Relief. The Forum highlights President Obama’s Executive Action announcement of November 20, 2014, and includes expert opinions on who qualifies, how to prepare, and how to avoid fraudulent offers. The forum is free of charge and doors open at 8:30 a.m.  although seating is limited to 10,000 people.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez, who will be coordinating administrative relief efforts for the President, is providing the keynote address during a Monday morning plenary. Five plenaries feature nationally-recognized immigrant rights movement, labor, faith, education, and business leaders such as María Elena Durazo, Dr. Manuel Pastor, and Oscar Chacón, elected officials including the mayors of various major urban centers, and academy award journalists and actors such as Barkhad Abdi, Maria Hinojosa, and Roger Guenveur Smith.  For information on each of the plenary speakers, visit http://www.integrationconference.org/schedule/.

Nationally-renowned figures in the immigration reform movement such as Ben Monterroso at Mi Familia Vota, Saket Soni at the National Guestworker Alliance, and Steven Choi at the New York Immigration Coalition will present workshops during one of the more than 30 sessions under 9 tracks available for Conference goers.  Track titles include: Strengthening our Nation through Workforce Development, From Naturalization to Citizenship, Education Services and Systems, Affordable Care Act from an Immigrant’s Perspective, and the Economic Opportunity, Inclusion and Stability, amongst others.

For visitors to Los Angeles, the Conference plans a series of gatherings called “Caucuses” for Sunday, December 14.  In addition, four “Discover Los Angeles Tours” will offer Conference goers the opportunity to visit East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, Chinatown, and Little Ethiopia in ways they have likely never seen them before.

Conference goers can also enjoy the New Americans Exposition open every day from 8 am to 6 pm Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6p.m. Monday, and 10 am – 3 pm Tuesday. The Expo is a collection of some of LA’s best small businesses, non-profit organizations, and vendors serving the immigrant community.

Press credentials are required. Please contact Charlie McAteer at cmcateer@weareoneamerica.org for credentialing at least one day before the start of the conference. A press packet and a green room will be available for credential members of the press.

Hope you can join us this weekend!

Vote for America's Most Welcoming City!

At NIIC 2014, we invite you to meet the contestants for the most immigrant-friendly city in America and participate in the first-ever Integration Idol! This is your chance to learn more about immigrant integration policies and practices from traditional immigrant destination heavyweights such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and to find out what smaller - but strongly committed communities - like Atlanta and Philadelphia are doing to attract immigrants to their cities, integrate them fully, engage the receiving community, and become globally competitive leaders.

The contestants in Integration Idol – high level officials from these five cities – will compete for your votes during in a lively, fast-paced session that is sure to entertain.

Emcee:University of Southern California

Idol contestants:

Make sure you’re registered for NIIC 2014, then plan which sessions and tracks you’ll participate in, which Discover L.A. Tour you want to join, and get excited about all you’ll learn and explore at the event.



From In-State Tuition to College Completion: College Access and Success for Immigrant Youth

While the past several years have seen considerable progress in the fight for tuition equity and financial aid for Dreamers, there are still many hurdles to postsecondary success facing students from immigrant families. Immigrant students are more likely to be nontraditional college students—they enroll at older ages, often attend school part time, and balance competing work and family responsibilities. This session will explore strategies and institutional innovations that promote postsecondary success for immigrant youth. Moderator:

  • Teresita Wisell, Executive Director, Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education


  • Kathy Gin, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Educators for Fair Consideration
  • Jose Arreola, Training and Community Relations Manager, Educators for Fair Consideration
  • Joy Smucker, Highline College, Transition Success Center
  • Jazmin Segura, Educators for Fair Consideration
  • Tehani Collazo, CASA de Maryland
  • Angela Chen, UCLA Bruin Resource Center

Building Economic Power for Immigrant Workers: Union Organizing, Apprenticeships and Collective Bargaining

Labor organizing, apprenticeship programs and collective bargaining have long been key tools to improve economic conditions and opportunities for workers. Unions serve as important mechanisms for immigrant inclusion into our society and help building economic power through collective voice. In many fields, labor-led apprenticeship programs are the primary means through which workers build the skills and qualifications needed to access safe and well-regulated employment. Panelists from unions, worker centers and academia will discuss the trajectory of labor unions as spaces for immigrant inclusion and improved economic mobility, as well as how collective action and new forms of organizing and bargaining can serve and protect the economic interests of immigrant workers in the absence of public policies of integration. Moderator: 

  • Arturo Mendoza, Field Campaign Director, AFL-CIO National Organizing Department – Works with the Building Trades Unions in the Southwest U.S. on strategic organizing campaigns to organize recent immigrant construction workers.  Began career with the United Farm Workers Union as organizer for 14 years followed by several years as staff representative with the National Education Association.


  • Victor Narro, UCLA Labor Center, Project Director -- At the UCLA Labor Center Victor Narro directs leadership programs immigrant workers, strategy and campaign support for worker centers and unions, and student internships. He is a professor for the Labor and Workplace Studies Program; adjunct faculty at UCLA School of Urban Planning; and Lecturer in Law at UCLA Law School; and he has co-authored several scholarly studies.
  • David Gornewicz, Ironworkers Association IWINTL, Assistant Director of Organizing (Assoc. Membership, Apprenticeship) -- Member of the Iron Workers Local Union 272 Miami, FL since 1980 where he served as Apprenticeship Director, Organizer, President and Director of Organizing. Became International staff in 2006 and currently Assistant Director of Organizing. Served on Catholic Charities Legal Services Board of Directors (Miami, FL) from 1999 - 2006.
  • Rosemarie Molina, CLEAN Carwash Campaign Strategic Director - At CLEAN Rosemarie develops comprehensive strategies that steer a coalition effort partnering with the United Steelworkers to support carwash workers organizing to improve conditions in their workplaces and in their communities in Los Angeles.
  • Lorena Lopez, UNITE HERE Local 11 -- Lorena Lopez is an organizing director for hotel workers’ union UNITE HERE Local 11. In the past 14 years she has successfully helped thousands of Southern California hotel workers from Santa Monica to Costa Mesa demand respect and better working conditions by organizing a union.

Immigration and the States: Advancing State Policy Priorities in Immigration

Several states have created dedicated offices to advance state immigration policy priorities in such areas as economic development, citizenship promotion, and talented workforce recruitment. The Pew Charitable Trusts will lead a discussion among representatives from these offices to hear examples of how they are achieving various state-policy aims regarding immigration. The panel will highlight the roles they play in advancing immigrant integration, and areas where state engagement is important for any future federal immigration reform. Panelists:

  • Adam Hunter, Director, Immigration and the States, The Pew Charitable Trusts -- Adam Hunter directs The Pew Charitable Trusts’ immigration and the states project, examining the intersection of federal, state, and local immigration laws and policies and their impact on all levels of government. Before joining Pew, Hunter was the acting chief of staff at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security, which administers immigration benefits and related activities for the U.S. government. In an earlier capacity at USCIS, he managed citizenship and immigrant integration policy research, interagency initiatives, and international engagement. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in German and European studies from Vanderbilt University and a master’s degree in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
  • Jorge Montalvo, Director, New York Office for New Americans -- Jorge Montalvo serves in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration as the top policy advisor to the New York Secretary of State and Director of the New York State Office for New Americans. He has distinguished himself as one of the most entrepreneurial thinkers in public service. He employs his training as a chemist to take a “systems-based approach to make change and open opportunities for hard-working people.” Among some of his many accomplishments, Montalvo developed the State’s Opportunity Agenda to ensure those living in poverty were included in the state’s economic revitalization, helped merge the State’s consumer protection and occupation licensing agencies and created the Empire State Fellows program - an innovative approach to attracting and training cross-sector leaders for public service.
  • Karen Phillippi, Deputy Director, Michigan Office for New Americans -- Karen Phillippi is the Deputy Director of the Michigan Office for New Americans in the Executive Office of Governor Rick Snyder. She began her more than 20 years of work in immigration law by serving as the Immigration and State Department Specialist for U.S. Senator Don Riegle. She is very passionate about immigration and has served on a variety of boards and committees related to the issue including serving as Board Chair for Global Detroit; Chairperson for the Global Michigan initiative; and serving on the advisory boards for the Global Talent Retention Initiative; Welcome Mat Detroit; and, Welcoming Michigan. Karen is very active in promoting the benefits that immigrants have on the economy, and making Michigan a more immigrant-friendly state.
  • Marcony Almeida-Barros, Acting Executive Director, Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants -- Marcony Almeida-Barros serves since July 2014 as the Acting Executive Director for the Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants, having joined ORI in January 2013 as its Chief of Staff. Prior to ORI, he was the Director of Organizing and Deputy Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) where he worked primarily in the area of comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level, assisted with the management of the agency’s policies and procedures, performed outreach, advocacy and communications on legislative efforts, as well as immigration trainings for interested stakeholders. In 2003, the Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians presented him with the New Bostonian of the Year Award for his significant contribution to improve the lives of the immigrant and refugee communities in the city of Boston. Mr. Almeida-Barros received a Bachelor’s of Arts in Journalism at Universidade Católica de Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil, and a Master’s of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communications, with concentration in leadership, from Northeastern University in Boston.
  • Teresa Reyes, Director, Illinois Office of New Americans -- Teresa Reyes is the Director of the Illinois Governor’s Office of New Americans where she ensures human rights protections and access to justice for immigrants through various programs, policies, and public education. GONA has been unique in building on the foundation of the strengths of New Americans in order to promote stronger immigrant integration throughout Illinois. Prior to joining the Governor’s Office, she served as District Director for Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez of Illinois’ Fourth Congressional District, where she managed congressional casework, was responsible for community outreach, acted as a liaison for local community groups and national organizations. The daughter of Mexican immigrant parents, Ms. Reyes is a first generation college graduate and was born and raised in the far South East Side of Chicago.

Discover Immigrant Integration in Practice through L.A. Neighborhood Tours at NIIC 2014

NIIC blog image 11032014 At the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2014 (NIIC 2014), we want you to get a firsthand understanding of our host city, Los Angeles. This year, we're offering Discover L.A. Tours, providing you with the opportunity to get out of the hotel and discover one of five vibrant neighborhoods defined by the immigrant experience in one of America's most dynamic cities.

NIIC participants can choose between a tours of East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles and others. These tours will provide an excellent dose of the cultural context the conference will play out in, and will help inform participants of the issues facing Los Angeles' immigrant communities.

Local community residents and organizations will guide participants through Boyle Heights, South L.A., Little Ethiopia, or Chinatown to reveal examples of immigrant integration and how cultural tourism can serve as a vehicle for economic development. Each neighborhood is facing intense pressures of gentrification. Our tours will offer insights into how local residents, street vendors, small business owners, and artists are working to preserve the spirit and legacy of these historic immigrant communities.

During the mid-twentieth century Boyle Heights was the shared neighborhood of Jewish, Japanese and Mexican immigrant groups. Today, it faces intense pressures from gentrification that are rapidly shifting the culture and racial-ethnic landscape of this historic community. But local residents, artists and musicians are working to preserve the spirit and legacy of the historic immigrant communities of Boyle Heights and East L.A.

Register today and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to visit the people we're helping in their own communities and hear directly from them about their issues!

Photo courtesy of Community Coalition