Our Leaders Have a Plan

In just 20 days, the largest field gathering focused on immigrant and refugee integration, civil rights, social and economic justice and equality will be held in Nashville, TN at the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) -- WE THE PEOPLE. Post-election and pre-inauguration, NIIC is the place to be. 

Register for NIIC now and book your hotel room before the discounted NIIC rate ends on Nov 23! 

You saw some of the heavy hitters we're bringing to this year's NIIC. We are excited that many leaders of the National Partnership for New Americans  (NPNA) will be at NIIC and shaping the conversation. NPNA is a member-driven coalition of the largest immigrant and refugee rights organizations in the country

Here are just some of the NPNA leaders from across the country who will be at the NIIC. They have a plan for the future of our movement -- and we'll learn with them at the NIIC.

Steven Choi,  Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and NPNA Co-Chair. Steve was previously the Executive Director of the MinKwon Center for Community Action. Prior to that, he was a Staff Attorney and the founding Director of the Korean Workers Project at the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund providing free legal services to low-wage Korean immigrants. 

Petra Falcon, Executive Director of Promise Arizona (PAZ). PAZ works to build power for the immigrant and Latino community in Arizona. Petra is a veteran organizer, activist and community leader with a long record of developing powerful grassroots strategies. She is a fourth-generation Arizonan. 

Eva Millona, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) coalition and NPNA Co-Chair. Eva is an immigrant integration expert and helped to found NPNA. She joined MIRA in 1999. Prior to MIRA, she directed the refugee resettlement program in Central Massachusetts. She is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and in her native country of Albania, she practiced civil and criminal law -- the youngest district judge ever appointed. 

Angelica Salas, Executive Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and NPNA Executive Committee Member. Angelica became CHIRLA's Executive Director in 1999. Since then, she has helped to win in-state tuition for undocumented students, established laborer job centers, and led efforts to allow all California drivers to obtain drivers licenses. As a five year old, Angelica came to the U.S. from Mexico to rejoin her parents.

Rich Stolz, Executive Director of OneAmerica and NPNA Executive Committee Member. OneAmerica is the largest immigrant rights advocacy organization in Washington State. Previously, Rich worked at the Center for Community Change (CCC). Rich was born in South Korea, grew up in California, and lives in Seattle, but has also lived and organized in Maine, Alabama, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. 

Gustavo Torres, Executive Director of CASA and NPNA Board Member. Gustavo first joined CASA's staff as a community organizer and has served as Executive Director since 1994. He has been nationally recognized for his leadership, and in 2001 he received the Ford Foundation's prestigious "Leadership for a Changing World" award. Gustavo was born and raised in Colombia.

Dae Joong (DJ) Yoon, Executive Director of the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and NPNA Board Member. DJ helped to found NAKASEC in 1994. He has over 19 years of community education and organizing experience in areas of immigration policy, health access, civic participation voting rights, environmental justice and economic development. He identifies as a 1.5 generation Korean-American and is bilingual in English and Korean.

Join us, our fiercest leaders, and a thousand others in the immigrant and refugee integration field from across the policy, business, service provision, faith, community, research and philanthropic sectors in Nashville, TN this December. Register today for the NIIC 2016!

The deadline for our deeply discounted rooms at the Omni Nashville Hotel -- our conference hotel -- has been slightly extended to Nov 23. Don't delay. Reserve your room now!

Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Lindsey Harris, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Tara Raghuveer, National Partnership for New Americans
Cynthia Greenberg, National Immigrant Integration Conference