Our New Reality

Just a week after one of the most divisive elections in history, from coast-to-coast we've seen communities band together sharing their anger, fears, and unwavering commitment to upholding fundamental American values of equality, opportunity, and justice. In this new landscape, in which the president-elect rode to electoral college victory on an unapologetically anti-immigrant and anti-refugee platform, it is urgent that all of us in the immigrant integration field come together to strategize and prepare for the road ahead.

At the National Immigrant and Integration Conference 2016 , we have assembled some of the strongest voices for immigrant integration to share their expertise at this critical juncture. From naturalizing the most vulnerable, working to maintain refugee resettlement and advocacy, and pursue the strongest and most effective local and state strategies to protect and integrate immigrants and refugees, NIIC will dig deep. NIIC is the biggest and most comprehensive gathering of our entire immigrant integration field in the days following the election. A thousand of us are expected to attend. Join us.

Our nation's success is rooted in our ability to welcome and integrate newcomers. As the front line of this fight, together we will build a path forward. We're starting in Nashville next month. See you there.

Register for NIIC 2016.

In solidarity,

Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Lindsey Harris, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Tara Raghuveer, National Partnership for New Americans
Cynthia Greenberg, National Immigrant Integration Conference

PS. Only 6 days remain to book your discounted room at the Omni Nashville Hotel, where the NIIC will take place, and there are a limited number of rooms left! Reserve your spot today. The deadline for NIIC's discounted rate is November 21st.