Whatever happens tomorrow...

Hello friend,

America decides  tomorrow. Like you, we are all eyes on the election outcome. 

But whatever happens, we know the long-haul work on immigrant integration will continue. Together, we will continue to build a shared vision ensuring that our democracy works for everyone, that our society integrates the millions of immigrants and refugees -- our friends and neighbors who are so vitally a part of the fabric of our country. 

During the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2016 -- WE THE PEOPLE-- we will dig deep together in hands on workshops, panel discussions and on the NIIC mainstage, on key issues like Refugee Resettlement and Advocacy, Adult Education and Workforce Development, Criminalization, Detention, and Enforcement, Economic Justice, Education, Health Care and much more. 

Make a plan to vote. And also make your plan to join us and leaders from all across the country at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in Nashville Dec 11-13. Register today.

Make your voice heard for America tomorrow and, whatever happens at the polls, dig in with us at NIIC for the next chapter on immigrant integration.

Tara Raghuveer, National Partnership for New Americans
Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Lindsey Harris, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
Cynthia Greenberg, National Immigrant Integration Conferenc
Jonathan Lazatin, National Partnership for New Americans

PS. Booking your hotel room at NIIC only takes a minute; the deadline has been extended to Nov 11. Click here and check that off your list!