Central to NIIC 2018 are the Plenaries that will take place on the NIIC main stage.The entire NIIC audience gathers for these sessions, which will address pressing topics of interest and concern to all working on behalf of immigrants and refugees. The NIIC Plenaries feature many prominent speakers – policy, thought and movement leaders, culture makers and artists, journalists and scholars alike. Plenaries take place each on each of the three days at NIIC.

Be sure to check back here often for updates and any schedule adjustments.

SUN DEC 9 / 1:30-3pm

NIIC Kick Off & Welcome
New American Victories: State & Local Integration Wins

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Becky Belcore, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium

  • Josh Hoyt, National Partnership for New Americans

  • Rabbi Shira Stutman, Jews United for Justice

  • Gustavo Torres, CASA

New American Victories: State & Local Integration Wins
Featured Speakers Include:

  • Councilwoman Helen Gym, Philadelphia, PA

  • Vice Mayor Dale VC Holness, Broward County, FL

  • Eva Millona, Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition

  • Ben Monterroso, Mi Familia Vota

  • Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner, New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs

  • Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California

  • Jonathan Paik, Korean Resource Center-Los Angeles; National Korean American Service & Education Consortium

  • Rachel Peric, Welcoming America

  • Catalina Rodriguez Lima, Director, Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs

SUN DEC 9 / 5pm-6:30pm

The Women’s Wave: Women’s Leadership, Immigrants, Refugees & Our Shared Visions

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Ana Maria Archilla, Center for Popular Democracy

  • Bob Bland, Women’s March

  • Luisa Blue, SEIU  

  • NYS Assemblymember-Elect Catalina Cruz

  • Patrice Lawrence, UndocuBlack

  • Angelica Salas, CHIRLA

  • Dr. Leana Wen, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

MON DEC 10 / 8:45am-10:15am

Our Virginia Story: How Virginians are Turning Resistance to Victory

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Luis Aguilar, Director of CASA Virginia

  • Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8)

  • Delegate Elizabeth Guzman, VA

  • Delegate Kathy Tran, VA

  • Chair Christian Dorsey, Arlington Board of Supervisors, VA

  • Sookyung Oh, Virginia DIrector NAKASEC

MON DEC 10 / 12pm-1:30pm

America as a Refuge

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Oscar Chacon, Alianza Americas

  • Mayor Wilmot Collins, Helena, MT

  • Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD-5)

  • Kica Matos, Center for Community Change  

  • Suzanne Salhoul, Syrian Community Network

  • Naomi Steinberg, HIAS

  • Stephanie Stephens, We Are All America

  • Reverend Sharon Stanley, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries

MON DEC 10 / 5pm-6pm

Moving into Action

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Becky Belcore, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium

  • Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-7)

  • Linda Sarsour, Women’s March

  • Steve Choi, New York Immigration Coalition

  • Gustavo Torres, CASA

TUES DEC 11 / 8:30am-10:00am

A House United: Narrative Change, Just Immigration & America’s Future

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Mehrdad Azemun, People’s Action

  • Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20)

  • Bridgit Antoinette Evans, Pop Culture Collaborative

  • Nicole Melaku, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition

  • Maria Rodriguez, Florida Immigrant Coalition

  • Saket Soni, National Guestworkers Alliance and the New Orleans Workers' Center for Racial Justice

TUES DEC 11 /11:45am-1:00pm

New American Dreams for New Americans

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Nisha Agarwal, Senior Advisor, Deputy Mayor’s Office, New York City

  • Steve Choi, New York Immigration Coalition

  • Congressman Carlos Curbelo (FL- 26)

  • Felicia Escobar, Beacon Fund

  • Congressman Luis Gutierrez (IL-4)

  • Congresswoman Grace Meng  (NY-6)

  • Senator Bob Menendez (NJ)

  • Janet Murgia, UnidosUS 

TUES DEC 11 / 2:45PM-3:30PM

NIIC Closing: Eyes on the Future

  • Ryan Bates, Michigan United

  • Ben Jealous, Civil Rights Activist

  • Nadia Tonova, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services

  • Special Guests to be Announced