Baird-Chrisohon, Emily

Emily Baird-Chrisohon

Emily Baird-Chrisohon, as the Welcoming Tennessee Coordinator with the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, leads a proactive campaign which seeks to create spaces for constructive dialogue on immigration in the hopes of moving Tennessee residents towards more pro-immigrant sentiments and active engagement. Baird-Chrisohon leads TIRRC’s deep canvassing work as well as other narrative change efforts. Prior to joining the TIRRC staff in April 2018, Baird-Chrisohon was the Regional Organizer with Religions for Peace USA and the Director of A Seat At The Table Knoxville. Baird-Chrisohon was born and raised in Florence, Alabama. After graduating with a B.A. from Berry College, she became the Managing Director of a teambuilding company in Nairobi, Kenya. She moved to Nashville to attend Vanderbilt Divinity School where she earned a Master of Divinity.