Dean, Jaclyn

Jaclyn Dean

Jaclyn Dean is the Policy and Government Affairs for the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum. Dean was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and is the proud daughter of Taiwanese immigrants. She earned her BA in Political Science and Sociology with a minor in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities from Rice University. She worked as a campaign staffer on a state representative campaign in Houston through Annie’s List, which helps elect progressive, pro-choice women to office in Texas. She then served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, where she ran after-school programs focused on leadership and life skills with adolescent girls. Dean holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government specializing in gender, human rights, and international and global affairs. She also interned with the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), where she tracked US foreign policy on sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. Dean joined the team at NAPAWF in 2017, where she leads the organization's government relations and legislative affairs on policy issues in reproductive health and rights, immigrant rights, and economic justice.