Fernández, Enrique — National Immigrant Inclusion Conference

Fernández, Enrique

Enrique Fernández

Enrique Fernández is a strong supporter of the labor movement in California: he is the President of the California State Council of UNITE HERE, Vice President of the California Labor Federation, and Treasurer of the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council. Ferndandez is a native of Uruguay, where he attended college in Montevideo and then moved to San José, California in 1983. He began his tenure in the hospitality industry as a dishwasher; over the years he rose through the ranks of UNITE HERE to become Business Manager of Local 19 in Silicon Valley and helped to transform UNITE HERE to be a leader in immigrant and worker rights. Fernandez is a leader in the community, serving in a previous role on the Downtown San José Task Force. He is a board member of Team San José and the President of Working Partnership USA. He is married to Ada Briceño, Co- President of UNITE HERE Local 11, and a proud father and grandfather.
