Gomez-Herrin, Rosa

Rosa Gomez-Herrin

Rosa Gomez-Herrin currently leads Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at Operation Restoration (OR). A scholar, community advocate, urban planner, writer and strategist from the Global South, she joined OR to pursue her dream of ending mass incarceration and immigrant detention by supporting the leadership of those directly impacted by these unjust systems. Gomez-Herrin was born and raised in Lima, Perú, and has spent the last 18 years living in the U.S. Deep South. Her personal, academic, and professional experiences in the United States and abroad are rooted in a life-long commitment to social and racial justice. She has twenty years of experience working for grassroots and philanthropic organizations. She has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Southern Mississippi and a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of New Orleans. Gomez-Herrin is completing her research to obtain a PhD in Urban Studies from UNO, focusing on the emerging spatial concentrations of the Latinx community in the New Orleans metro.