Misra, Neha

Neha Misra

Neha Misra, J.D., is the Solidarity Center's Senior Specialist for Migration and Human Trafficking. She joined the Solidarity Center in 1998 as the deputy country program director in Indonesia, where she managed the Solidarity Center’s counter trafficking in persons, labor migration and democracy programs. Later, Misra served as a senior program officer in the Center's Africa department. Before joining the Solidarity Center, she worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina on postwar elections and democracy, and in the United States as a senior attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice. While at the Justice Department, she also served as the president of American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 3525. Misra serves on the executive board of Migration that Works and the Global Coalition for Migration, and represents the Solidarity Center in the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking, the Civil Society Action Committee, and the Women in Migration Network.