Molinar, Laura

Laura Molinar

Laura Molinar is the Founder and Executive Director of Sueños Sin Fronteras de Tejas. A third-generation Mexican-American and Tejana from San Antonio, Texas, Molinar holds a BS in Molecular Biology with honors from the University of the Incarnate Word and attended graduate school at Northwestern University where she studied Global Health. She is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work degree from Columbia University. Molinar has gained experience in child and maternal health from the UT School of Public Health and the University of Chicago’s Urban Poverty Lab. She also gained experience as a Hospital Advocate at the Rape Crisis Center of San Antonio and volunteer at Mujeres Latinas en Acción in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, IL. Her collective, Sueños Sin Fronteras, focuses on the intersections of immigrant justice and reproductive health and justice in South Texas. Since March 2020, Sueños’ Empowerment Mutual Aid Fund has provided over $58,000 in mutual aid support to immigrant womxn and their families across the United States. Molinar's vision and work are rooted in abolishing systems that perpetuate the carceral state, reproductive justice, health equity, and liberation for Black and Brown communities in Texas.