Quigley, Jennifer

Jennifer Quigley

As Director of Refugee Advocacy, Jennifer Quigley leads Human Rights First’s advocacy work to protect the rights of refugees and ensure the United States commits to refugee protection at home and abroad, including access to asylum protections and resettlement. Prior to joining Human Rights First, Quigley worked for the U.S. Campaign for Burma for nine years, including as President/Executive Director focusing on the promotion of human rights, refugees, and democratic change in U.S. Burma policy. During her tenure, Quigley has testified before Congress and been quoted in numerous print, television, and online news sources. Quigley also previously worked with the Women’s League of Burma and its thirteen member organizations on international advocacy and capacity building of women to advocate in international fora. Quigley received an M.A. in Intercultural Management from the School for International Training and a B.A. in International Affairs from The George Washington University.