Talbot, Kerri, J.D.

Kerri Talbot, J.D.

Kerri Talbot, J.D., is the Director of Federal Advocacy for the Immigration Hub. She works with non-profit organizations and Congress on policy and legislative advocacy to promote fair treatment of immigrants and refugees. She was previously a Partner at the Veng Group where she assisted non-profit organizations and businesses including the National Immigration Law Center, Deloitte, Human Rights First, and the Women’s Refugee Commission with immigration policy advocacy. Talbot previously served as Chief Counsel for U.S. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey for five years. She staffed the Senator on the Gang of 8 and assisted in writing the comprehensive immigration reform bill which passed the Senate in 2013. Talbot previously worked at the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Rights Working Group, Break the Chain Campaign, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and Physicians for Human Rights. She graduated from Harvard Law School and Tufts University.