Opoku Owusu, Stella

Stella Opoku Owusu

Stella Opoku Owusu is Executive Director  at Africa Foundation for Development. Stella has 18 years’ experience in the development sector at community, national and international levels, working with diaspora and migrant communities. She has solid experience and knowledge of diaspora, migration and development, in policy and practice and is responsible for overseeing AFFORD's work on Diaspora & Migrants Investment and their contributions to Enterprise and Employment including managing the AFFORD Diaspora Finance Portfolio, to a value of £1.5 million. She also oversees AFFORD’s engagement with Diaspora & Migrants, Network Building and Training.  She was nominated Co-Chair for the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD - Quito) Civil Society Day 2019, having previously led on AFFORD's official engagement with Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network and coordinated  the global thematic working group on diaspora and migrants in development.