Siquieros, Yadira — National Immigrant Inclusion Conference

Siquieros, Yadira

Yadira Siquieros

Yadira Siquieros is a proud Texican from the El Paso/Juarez area.  After completing her master’s degree, she found the drive and opportunity to become a young organizer with the Wendy Davis Campaign for Governor.  Later, she discovered that Unions were still a "thing" and jumped on the opportunity to organize janitorial and healthcare workers across Texas.  After 3 years of doing that she decided to move across the country to work on the higher ed campaigns in Washington State.  After a total of 5 years in labor organizing, she decided to finally cross out one of her bucket list items (presidential campaign) and drove halfway across the country to Las Vegas, NV to help facilitate the C4 coalition with America Votes. Two years later, she found herself missing out on the front-end organizing work (building power for working people) and thanks to Cia/NDWA, she will be able to expand upon that work. In her spare time, Yadira enjoys shredding the trails on her diamondback bike or her Jeep (Joe Biden). She also enjoys playing video games. Most importantly, she loves spending time with her lab - Sir Mateo Drake - and her three nephlings.
