Ajanel, Ernesto

Ernesto Ajanel

Ernesto Ajanel (Maya K’iche’), he/him, is the Language Rights Program Coordinator at International Mayan League. Ernesto is a youth leader born after the signing of the Peace Accords in Iximulew (Guatemala). His parents are survivors of the internal-armed conflict and due to the war and genocide in Guatemala, his family was internally displaced, leading to his birth in the mountains of Nebaj, Maya Ixil territory. He is fluent in Maya K’iche’, Ixil, and Spanish because of his upbringing, and is conversational in English. Ernesto’s natural leadership formation stems from his parents resistance, teachings, and survival. Throughout his childhood, he learned about the importance of languages as a tool to fight for the rights of the Maya. He currently lives in Ohio where he is a community leader and supports the Maya community’s access to resources and better understanding of their rights.