Ali, Ishraq

Ishraq Ali

Ishraq Ali (he/him) Organizing Director for MPower Change. He has worked in faith-based and online organizing initiatives on both coasts of the United States. Prior to MPower Change, Ishraq was the Membership Manager at the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, where his love for urban cycling and advocacy for equitable mobility came together. He got his start in grassroots work through MAS Boston (the Muslim American Society of Boston), then organized with the Industrial Areas Foundation in Illinois, came back to New York and organized with New York Communities for Change on GOTV campaigns, tenant organizing, foreclosures, and school reform issues. He was a 2016 Fellow with the New Leaders Council deepening his commitment to work towards a more inclusive city in Los Angeles. Ishraq previously served as a fellow and later a facilitator for Bend the Arc’s Community Organizing Residency program in 2011, a fellowship that trained and guided grassroots organizers at nonprofits nationwide. He was also a fellow at the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute in 2013, a program that trained Muslim leaders on effective leadership development and civic growth. Ishraq seeks to implement the Prophetic model in his organizing.