Alper, Bell , Max

Max Bell Alper

Max Bell Alper (he/they) is the Executive Director of North Bay Jobs with Justice. For over 20 years, Max has organized for economic, racial, and climate justice with low-wage immigrant workers throughout California. With a particular emphasis on leadership development of workers and the most impacted communities, they have successfully developed and implemented strategic comprehensive campaigns where workers win real tangible victories on their immediate needs while building long term power. They are currently leading an effort with immigrant and Indigenous farmworkers that seeks to both provide safer working conditions during wildfires and create training programs to develop the skilled and trained workforce necessary to do the urgently needed climate adaptation and mitigation work. A foundational principle of the program is the immigrant and Indigenous workers’ deep relationship with the land through traditional ecological knowledge and lived working experiences. Max lives in west Sonoma County with their partner, where they try to spend as much time as possible tending to the Land, fruit trees, roses, and native plants.