Bhojani, Alizeh

Alizeh Bhojani

Alizeh Bhojani (she/her) is the Immigration Policy Council at OneAmerica, where she is dedicated to serving immigrant communities by following the lead of directly impacted people in creating and advocating for policies that make our people safe and lead to a thriving home. Alizeh immigrated to the United States from Pakistan in 1999 and has firsthand experience with the confusing, bureaucratic, and dehumanizing nature of our immigration system. She fights at the federal, state, and local level to ensure that other families going through this system are treated with respect and dignity. While at OneAmerica, Alizeh is leading on policy to create an unemployment insurance system for undocumented workers in Washington state. She also is co-leading OneAmerica’s federal immigration campaign to fight for a pathway to citizenship and reducing and reallocating funding from immigration enforcement to efforts that actually benefit communities.Outside of work, Alizeh loves to escape in fiction – anything science-fiction or fantasy, as well as romance novels – and bake for her loved ones.