Jackson, Martha K.

Martha K. Jackson

Martha K. Jackson (she/her) is the Assistant Commissioner of Workforce and Business Development of the NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD). She joined MOPD in 2015 to create New York City’s first workforce program for New Yorkers with disabilities: NYC: ATWORK. Launched officially in late 2017, this public-private partnership is business-led/business-driven and person-centered.

This pilot has connected over 650 New Yorkers with disabilities to jobs and careers within high-growth sectors, including 100+ jobs within the NYC government through the city’s 55-a Civil Service Program. None of this would have been possible without the dedicated and resilient staff of NYC: ATWORK.Martha established MOPD’s first Business Development Council, developed AbilITy,the only Cisco IT Training Academy for New Yorkers with disabilities in partnership with the Institute for Career Development; was instrumental in creating EMPOWERED NYC, the first financial empowerment program specifically for New Yorkers with disabilities and their families; launched “ConnectabilITy”, addressing the digital divide for our jobseekers, providing laptops, assistive technology, and access to training. And in November 2022, piloted “ConnectabilITy at STRIVE”, collaborating with a non-profit workforce organization on creating an accessible and inclusive train-to-place model. In 2020, MOPD launched EMPOWERED CITIES, a national initiative addressing the needs of people with disabilities, spearheaded by NYC MOPD and in collaboration with the Commissioners of Disability in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, with Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Houston joining in 2022. Prior to MOPD, Martha served as Goodwill NYNJ’s director of Operation: Good Jobs National Veteran and Military Families’ employment initiative; as Director of Career Services for people with visual and hearing disabilities. To address the barriers to competitive employment; she created train-to-place programs in production, e- commerce, hospitality, and transportation, establishing a brick-and-mortar customer service and support center for international airlines and retail operations. She received the 2021 Zero Project Award for innovative government policies on behalf of MOPD and the City and State Award for Social responsibility in 2020. Martha serves as MOPD’s liaison to the city’s newly formed Cabinet for Older New Yorkers and represents Workforce for the Office of Talent and Workforce Interagency Task Force. Martha is a graduate of Marymount Fordham with a BFA in Speech, Communications, and Drama.