Jeke, Amasai

Amasai Jeke

Amasai Jeke (she/her) is the Regional Community Organizer with Utopia Washington. A young Feminist Indigenous I-Taukei Fijian, she is an adamant and very outspoken person who adores and thrives in creating awareness and advocating on human rights, mainly on Gender Equality and LGBTQI rights. She has been involved in the Feminist and LGBTQI movement for more than six years and worked as the Project Support Officer for Rainbow Pride Foundation in Fiji and Coordinated the Transgender Reference Group for RPF. She has organized in community as a working group member for the Peer Support Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and the Pacific Urgent Action Hub on Climate & Ecological Justice that works with LGBTQI people in the Grass-root community in Fiji. She is also a core working group member for the Youth Voices Count an Asia-Pacific regional LGBTQI Youth Led Organization. Ms. Jeke is also a member of the Women’s Major Group for Sustainable Development and Women & Gender Constituency for Climate Change Negotiations with UNFCCC which is the United Nations Major Groups on Women and YOUNGO which is the official youth constituency at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.