Peters-Quintero , Mayra

Mayra Peters-Quintero

Mayra Peters-Quintero (she/he) is Founding Executive Director of the Abundant Futures Fund, a pooled donor collaborative housed at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors dedicated to increasing support for immigration and the immigrant justice movement. Previously, Mayra spent more than a decade at the Ford Foundation as a Senior Program Officer overseeing Ford’s migration funding. Prior to philanthropy, Mayra was at the New York State Department of Labor's Bureau of Immigrant Workers Rights as its Director, at New York University School of Law as co-director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic, and at LatinoJustice PRLDEF as Skadden Fellow and Associate Counsel. She earned her JD from NYU and her MPA from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. She was born in Panama and raised in San Diego.