Bonin, Stephanie — National Immigrant Inclusion Conference

Bonin, Stephanie

Stephanie Bonin

Stephanie Bonin is a Senior Strategist at Economic Security Project, a network dedicated to advancing a guaranteed income in America and reining in the unprecedented concentration of corporate power. She has led the Direct File initiative through a four-week pilot in 2024 and will continue outreach efforts in 24 states for the upcoming tax filing season. Most recently, Stephanie was the visionary behind Vermont Everyone Eats—a $49 million statewide pandemic relief program that bolstered food security, economic stability, and agricultural resilience in a single initiative. She is a graduate of Green Corps,a field school for environmental organizing—and has led direct action efforts with Mighty Earth, as well as advocacy and lobbying work with Environment Colorado. Stephanie grew up in an independent bookstore and is raising her family in southern Vermont.
