Rajkishun, Rovika

Rovika Rajkishun

Rovika Rajkishun has eighteen years of senior nonprofit and strategic executive experience. She has deep expertise in the immigrant rights movement, gender and racial justice, and youth programming. She is best known for being a highly strategic executive leader who boldly seizes opportunities to move the needle for organizations. She is a passionate and powerful social justice advocate who speaks from her own lived experience as a formerly undocumented immigrant and a member of an extended mixed-status family. She has spent the last eight years working on immigrant rights in New York State and nationally including as Interim Co-Executive Director at the New York Immigration Coalition and as Deputy Director at the American Business Immigration Coalition. Currently as the Strategic Partnerships Consultant for the Ellis Island Initiative, she builds relationships with diverse stakeholders across NYS to encourage successful integration of our newest neighbors. Rovika lives in Sunset Park, Brooklyn with her husband, three children, and their puppy, a place they have called home for the last two decades.