NIIC 2020 Schedule

NIIC 2020 Virtual Summit will take place online Tuesday December 8 - Wednesday December 9, 2020 

Preliminary Schedule below – Stay tuned for updates!

Please note all times listed are Eastern. All sessions will be recorded and also available to NIIC registrants after NIIC.


12pm-1:15pm ET MAINSTAGE Democracy at a Crossroads, Movement on the Move
NIIC Kick-Off/Welcome:
  • Eva Millona, Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition / National Partnership for New Americans
  • Nicole Melaku, National Partnership for New Americans

Emcee: Maria Hinojosa


  • U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal
  • Deepak Bhargava, City University of New York -- Moderator
  • Marielena Hincape, National Immigration Law Center
  • Nana Gyamfi, Black Alliance for Just Immigration
  • Angelica Salas, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
2pm-3:15pm ET MainStage 2 – Black Resistance & Resilience: Beyond Solidarity

This year, the United States faced the most profound societal reckoning with racism and anti-Blackness that we’ve seen in our lifetime. Black immigrants find themselves fighting for freedom and liberation at the intersection of racial justice and immigrant rights. They experience outrage and deep sorrow for the lives stolen by police violence, a growing pandemic, imprisonment, detention, and deportation. Yet, we are greatly inspired by the movement-building organizing for permanent and complete societal transformation led by Black immigrants like the brilliant speakers in this special NIIC Mainstage event. Join us to be in community together and to learn from Black immigrant and refugee expertise and experiences of resistance, resilience, and moving beyond solidarity.


  • Nana Gyamfi, Black Alliance for Just Immigration -- Moderator
  • Mustafa Jumale, Black Immigrant Collective
  • Kica Matos, Vera Institute of Justice
  • Laura Martin, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
  • Ola Osaze, Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project, Transgender Law Center
  • Fatou Seydi Sarr, African Bureau for Immigration & Social Affairs
3:45pm-5pm ET Deep Dives – Concurrent Sessions
  • Ground Game Reflections from the 2020 Field: Lessons Learned

    The last two presidential election cycles have been deeply polarizing for our nation and this cycle was especially challenging with the pandemic surging across the country and so much on the line- this election was unprecedented on so many levels. Field organizers were presented with new challenges of mobilizing voters through digital strategies and successfully leveraged data and messaging to build powerful coalitions many of which were years in the making. Hear from field leaders and key strategists who contributed to winning campaigns where Black and Immigrant voters successfully shifted the electoral landscape across the country and successfully turned out thousands of voters. Now as we reset the course of our democracy, we have the important task of engaging these voters on issues that matter year round and apply the lessons of 2020 to build lasting power for our communities.


    • Nicole Melaku, National Partnership for New Americans -- Moderator
    • Sulma Arias, Community Change
    • Beatriz Lopez, Immigration Hub
    • Leo Murrieta, Make the Road NV
    • Christine Neuuemann-Ortiz, Voces de La Frontera
    • Tom Wong, Center for American Progress
  • Resetting the Course: Joint Administrative & Legislative Strategies for the First 100 Days

    The next administration can transform the U.S. immigration system into one that supports thriving families, communities, and local economies, while remaining a beacon to those seeking safety. This panel will identify some of the top administrative and legislative priorities for the first 100 days of a Biden-Harris administration. Featured speakers are recognized leaders in their respective fields. They will share the policy asks being made to the administration and on the Hill; the politics and dynamics impacting success; and ways all of us can advocate for these priorities. Audience members are invited to reflect on how their work connects to the priorities and what actions their organizations can take in the first 100 days to make sure they happen.


    • Kerri Talbot, Immigration Hub -- Moderator
    • Sanaa Abrar, United We Dream
    • Miriam Abaya, First Focus
    • Guerline Jozef, Haitian Bridge Alliance
    • Avideh Moussavian, National Immigration Law Center
    • Silky Shah, Detention Watch Network

  • Beyond Solidarity: Fighting White Nationalism & Powering Intersectional Justice

    This session will highlight the need to center racial justice, address anti-blackness, and build intersectional solidarity to fight back rising white nationalist, anti-democratic movements across the country. Featured speakers will provide information and tools to build community power across urban & rural areas and effectively counter racist far-right movements under a new administration.


    • Rich Stolz, OneAmerica - Moderator
    • Lindsay Schubiner, Western States Center
    • Kayse Jama, Unite Oregon
    • Ruth Milkman, City University of New York
    • Rinku Sen, Narrative Initiative
    • Emily Baird-Chrisohon, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition

  • Refuge No More? America’s Human Rights Crisis

    This panel will discuss America’s human rights crisis and the attacks on our systems of protection over the past four years. We will take a deep dive into the actions needed to restore the refugee resettlement program and asylum and consider permanent solutions for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients. Featured speakers are recognized as leaders in their respective fields and will share their expert opinion on policy, advocacy, and means of reaching success. Audience members are invited to reflect on how their work connects and what actions their organizations can take for the future of the program.


    • Lisa Sherman Nikolaus, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition -- Moderator
    • Oscar Chacon, Alianza Américas
    • Jennifer Quiqley, Human Rights First
    • Adam Hunter, Refugee Council USA
    • Nejra Sumic, We Are All America
  • Census Legacies: Sustaining Momentum and Building Inclusive Communities

    Despite being conducted in the midst of a pandemic and subjected to politicization by the Trump administration, the 2020 Census brought together coalitions of stakeholders who began strategizing long before the survey was conducted to ensure that immigrant populations would be accurately counted regardless of their citizenship or documentation status. In this session, national experts and community leaders will discuss full-count strategies deployed in 2020 to help build inclusive and equitable communities, and how these strategies and coalitions can sustain their momentum throughout the coming decade to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive 2030 count.


    • Inhe Choi Hana Center -- Moderator
    • Kaye Kavanagh, Denver Census Coordinator
    • Maggie Gunther Osborn, United Philanthropy Forum
    • Karthick Ramakrishnan, UC Riverside, AAPI Data
    • Abdullah Younus, New York Immigration Coalition
    • Krystina Francois, Miami-Dade Office of New Americans

5:50pm-6:45pm ET
Please note start time change from 5:30pm to 5:50pm
Special Session – Women’s Leadership for a New Era

Across movements, women have been a catalytic force for social change. In this session we'll talk to some of the country's top organizers, leaders and changemakers to get their take on leading in this new era. We will explore topics such as leading with generosity, uplifting emerging leaders, and how we fight for lasting change as a new political tide is turning.


  • Sulma Arias, Community Change -- Moderator
  • Sayu Bhojwani, New American Leaders
  • Rosa Gomez-Herrin, Operation Restoration
  • Nicole Melaku, National Partnership for New Americans
  • Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Alliance
  • Linda Sarsour, MPowerChange
  • Virginia Kase, League of Women Voters
  • Greisa Martinez Rosas, United We Dream


12pm-1:15pm ET MainStage 1 – Essential is All of Us: Rebuilding Our Economy & Communities in the Age of Covid

NIIC Kick-Off/Welcome:

  • Steve Choi, New York Immigration Coalition / National Partnership for New American

The COVID-19 crisis has magnified health and economic inequalities that existed long before the global pandemic struck, and BIPOC communities and immigrants have faced disproportionately high mortality and unemployment rates. Because immigrant workers are concentrated in essential jobs such as agriculture and health care, the crisis has placed many immigrants in untenable positions: essential workers support the nation’s survival while also risking exposure to the virus. And yet federal COVID-19 legislation passed by Congress has excluded millions of immigrant workers and their families from urgently needed relief. In order for all of us to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone needs to be included in efforts to recover and rebuild.

By shining a spotlight on the inequalities that already existed in our nation, the COVID-19 pandemic offers us an unprecedented opportunity to rethink the present and future of our economy. This panel will present a range of perspectives, analysis, and vision about what's needed for an equitable recovery and rebuilding that uplifts all communities, worker protections, leaves no community or workforce behind. The conversation will explore the obstacles immigrant communities face in recovering from the COVID pandemic and describe strategies that are being implemented on the ground to work to ensure a recovery for all of us, regardless of immigration status. Some of these strategies include: how low-wage workers can organize to secure stronger workplace protections; how to adopt mutual aid and transformative community-based strategies in the face of structural failure; how narrative change approaches can help advance justice for essential and excluded workers; and how federal and state policies such as tax credits, stimulus payments, and driver’s licenses for all can help us imagine and work towards a just economy for all.


  • U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto
  • Jackie Vimo, National Immigration Law Center -- Moderator
  • Enrique Fernandez, UNITE HERE
  • Nekessa Opoti, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, MN Black Immigrant Collective
  • Saket Soni, Resilience Force
  • Charles Kamasaki, UnidosUS
2pm-3:15pm ET MainStage 2 – A New Story: From Inclusion to Belonging

A growing public awareness of the impacts of racism, exclusion and othering have moved these issues from the backburner to the forefront of American consciousness. But naming a problem is not the same as replacing it with something better. How do we usher in an era of belonging -- for immigrants, and for all of us? How do we shift bystanders to upstanders, and reach those who are being targeted by disinformation or who remain conflicted? This session will explore these questions through practitioners in and outside of our field who are engaging across difference to bridge our greatest divides, build a bigger tent, and move from ‘us’ vs ’them’ to a greater "we."

Emcee: Maria Hinojosa


  • Denzil Mohammed, Immigrant Learning Center -- Moderator
  • Ulises Bella, Ozomatli
  • Tonika Johnson, Artist
  • Raul Pacheco, Ozomatli
  • Rachel Peric, Welcoming America
  • Trang Truong-Hill, YMCA of the USA
  • Eric Ward, Western States Center
4:00pm-5:15pm ET
Please note start time change from 3:45pm to 4:00pm
Deep Dives – Concurrent Sessions
  • Moving Power: State & Local Wins in the Age of Covid & Racial Justice Uprisings

    This session will explore state and local strategies to achieve victories on universal representation, disinvestment from enforcement and detention, professional licensing, and a pandemic response and economic recovery that is inclusive of immigrant and refugee communities. It will discuss how these strategies have been developed and re-shaped by the coronavirus pandemic and its disproportionate impact on communities of color, this summer’s Black Lives Matter and racial justice uprisings across the country, and what they will look like in 2021 under a new federal administration.


    • Joseph Villela, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights -- Moderator
    • Nedia Morsy, Make the Road NJ
    • Mireya Reith, Arkansas United
    • Shiu-Ming Cheer, National Immigration Law Center

  • Navel Gazing is Over: Global Migration, the Pandemic & Climate Change

    As global migration continues to be a critical issue around the world, this panel will take a deep dive into the current state and challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The session will look into the growing barriers around the issue of global migration, the impact of climate change, and how countries can contribute to global responses and new solutions. Featured speakers will focus on refugees and forced migration, economic impacts, and highlight durable solutions.


    • Eva Millona, Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition / National Partnership for New Americans -- moderator
    • Erol Kekic, Church World Service
    • Neha Misra, Migration & Human Trafficking Solidarity Center
    • Alma Maquitico, National Network for Immigration & Refugee Rights
    • Sunil Varghese, International Refugee Assistance Project
  • The Work of Culture & Narrative Change: A Practitioner's View

    This panel will highlight several groundbreaking narrative and culture change strategies currently underway across the nation. Our talented panelists will share how they use food, art, dialogue, media, and creative placemaking to reach people and give them a new understanding of other people’s lived experiences. They are building spaces and launching strategies that build empathy and understanding across groups and give people the gift of full belonging in their community.


    • Wendy Feliz, American Immigration Council --Moderator
    • Mark Espinoza, Walmart
    • Philippa Hughes, Author
    • Mohammed Naeem, Center for Inclusion and Belonging
    • Daniela Peterson, Trust for Public Land
    • Tunde Wey, Chef
  • Healthcare Justice: Overcoming Barriers to Healthcare Access in Our Communities

    Access to quality, affordable healthcare is an ongoing challenge for millions across the U.S., and immigrant communities often face additional barriers to healthcare due to restrictions encased in federal and state policies. The barriers faced by immigrants in accessing healthcare are of special concern during the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the vulnerability of our communities to the coronavirus. During this session, we will discuss the landscape of healthcare access for immigrant communities and hear from organizations who work to facilitate access to healthcare for immigrants despite federal and state policy restrictions, during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.


    • Steve Choi, New York Immigration Coalition -- Moderator
    • Kathy Ko Chin, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
    • Catherine Labiran, Black Alliance for Just Immigration
    • Laura Molinar, Sueños sin Fronteras
    • Jaclyn Dean, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
    • Eréndira Rendón, The Resurrection Project

  • Fundraising in Age of Covid

    Join the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) and the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy for an empowering conversation about how immigrant and refugee justice groups can raise money and improve foundation behavior beyond the era of COVID-19, on the movement's terms, rather than the other way around. Backed up by real case studies and stories from the ground, attendees will explore how to demystify philanthropy, claim their power and challenge how foundations typically work.


    • Ben Barge, NCRP -- Co-Moderator
    • Nancy Flores, National Partnership for New Americans -- Co-Moderator
    • Sundrop Carter, Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition
    • Kevin Douglas, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
    • Heather Infantry, Generator City
    • Monica Munn, World Education Services
    • Rovika Rajkishun, New York Immigration Coalition
5:30pm-6:45pm ET Special Session: MIPEX: Global Integration Strategies

A look at how the US and Canada foster immigrant integration with policy and what ways participation in society can be enhanced. The global release of MIPEX 2020.


  • Eva Millona, Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition / National Partnership for New Americans -- Moderator
  • Marisha Akbar, Migration and Integration Program, Ryerson University
  • Maurice Bellanger, Maurice Belanger Consulting
  • Westy Egmont, Association of New Americans
  • Usha George, Migration and Integration Program, Ryerson University
  • Thomas Huddleston, Migration Policy Group
  • Kayse Jama, Unite Oregon

Thursday DECEMBER 10 – DAY 3

12pm-3pm Asian Pacific Islander Caucus
Invited participants only; sign up here for more information
12pm-4:30pm Black Virtual NIIC Convening
Invited participants only; sign up here for more information
1pm-3:30pm Cities for Citizenship Annual Municipal Gathering
Invited participants only
12pm-2:30pm Special Session – Immigrant Worker Empowerment

Special Session – Immigrant Worker Empowerment -- Hosted by our NIIC Partners at UNITE HERE To access the session and confirm your involvement, please follow this Zoom registration link.


12pm-4:30pm Black Virtual NIIC Convening
Invited participants only; sign up here for more information
12pm-2pm Access to Justice: National Legal Services Gathering
Invited participants only
12pm-3pm We Are All America Opportunity for All Campaign
Invited participants only
2pm-4pm Ready to Thrive: Language Access & Workforce Development Interest Meeting
Invited participants only

NIIC will take place In Person in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2021; stay tuned for additional details!

For more information about the NIIC 2019 schedule and program, contact