Monica Stansberry
Monica currently serves as the Senior Director of Adult Learners for Dallas College in Workforce Development. Her leadership at Dallas College has been a rewarding experience. She oversees the curriculum design and management of the adult education and opportunity youth programs, and professional development for Career Connected Learning with a focus in creating viable pathways to college for underserved groups and populations. She welcomes the opportunity to learn from others and share her experiences to break down barriers and advocate for equitable access to education. She was most recently the 2023 State Advocate Fellow for COABE. A Dallas native, her roots are strong in the community. She is a Dallas ISD graduate from Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts and currently serves on the advisory committees and volunteers for several local organizations. She is a wife and mother of two sons, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc., and the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc.